Ekadashi has special significance in Hindu religion, which is dedicated to Lord Vishnu. On this day he is worshiped with rituals. According to the Hindu calendar, Ekadashi tithi occurs twice every month—one in Krishna Paksha and once in Shukla Paksha, making a total of 24 Ekadashi in a year. Ekadashi falling in Krishna Paksha of Magh month is called Shattila Ekadashi, fasting on which one attains salvation. It is said that by observing a single Shattila Ekadashi fast, one gets more results than one gets from Kanyadaan, thousands of years of penance, and donating gold. This year Shattila Ekadashi fast will be observed on 25th January.

Importance of sesame seeds on Shattila Ekadashi:

Along with fasting on the day of Shattila Ekadashi, sesame seeds should be offered to God. Donating sesame seeds on this day gives special results. You should consume sesame seeds in your Prasad and avoid rice. It is also important to observe fast on this day and perform Harinam Sankirtan at home. This fast takes a person to the door of salvation. Ekadashi fast is broken on the next day. By using sesame seeds, obstacles in life are removed and the position of the planets remains favourable. Poverty of the family also goes away.

By duly worshiping Lord Vishnu with black sesame seeds on the day of Shattila Ekadashi, a person gets freedom from all kinds of sins. On this day, worshiping Lord Vishnu and bathing with black sesame water has special significance.

Importance of donation:

According to mythology, donating black sesame and black cow on Shattila Ekadashi brings results of thousands of years of penance. Therefore, donating these things on this day has special significance.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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