At the Maratha Seva Sangh program organized in Pune, retired High Court judge BG Kolse Patil commented strongly on Prime Minister Narendra Modi, calling him a “false Prime Minister”. Patil appealed to Union Minister Nitin Gadkari, who was present on the stage, to assume the post of Prime Minister. This statement caught the attention of the people present at the event, but Nitin Gadkari completely ignored Patil’s statement.

BG Kolse Patil advised Gadkari to become PM

During the program, BG Kolse Patil praised Nitin Gadkari and said, “Your speeches reflect an inclusive approach. No Brahmin in history has been an inclusive leader, but you have this opportunity. You are eligible to become the Prime Minister.”

Patil also said, “Even though our views differ, I have concerns about you. You can get us justice. Why should we accept a false Prime Minister, when we have a capable leader like you?”

Kolse Patil’s statement on Maratha reservation

While talking on the issue of Maratha reservation, Patil cornered the central government. He said, “If the Maratha community wants reservation, it should get it from the central government. 48 MPs of Maharashtra should put pressure on Prime Minister Modi. If reservation is not given to Marathas, the MPs should threaten to withdraw support to the Prime Minister.”

He said that if the MPs of Maharashtra unite and put pressure on the Central Government, then the decision to give reservation can be taken in a minute.

Appreciation of contribution of Purushottam Khedekar

The program was organized on the occasion of the 75th birth anniversary of Maratha Seva Sangh President Purushottam Khedekar. Union Minister Nitin Gadkari praised Khedekar’s social contribution and said that he has taken many important reformative steps for the society.

Gadkari said, “Khedekar took many such decisions during his tenure, which benefited a large section of the society. His dedication and commitment is inspiring.”

Nitin Gadkari gave a restrained answer

Despite BG Kolse Patil’s sharp remarks and suggestions, Nitin Gadkari adopted a restrained stance on the stage. He did not react to Patil’s statement and kept the program focused on the contribution of Maratha society and Khedekar.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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