A Kerala court has sentenced 24-year-old Grishma to death, who was found guilty in the famous Sharon Raj murder case in 2022. The Neyyattinkara Additional District Sessions Court, while delivering the verdict on Monday (January 20), termed the case as “rarest of the rare”. The court also sentenced Grishma’s uncle Nirmalkumar Nair to three years of rigorous imprisonment for aiding and abetting the murder and destroying evidence.

Who is Grishma, and why was she given death sentence?

Grishma was accused of taking the life of her lover Sharon Raj by giving him poisoned Ayurvedic drink. Sharon, who was a resident of Parasala in Thiruvananthapuram district, died on October 25, 2022 due to failure of her internal organs. Investigation revealed that Grishma had conspired to eliminate Sharon under pressure from her parents, who had fixed Grishma’s marriage with someone else.

Court’s 586-page decision

In its 586-page detailed judgment, the court said that the gravity of the crime is so great that the age or circumstances of the accused cannot be considered. Grishma had requested the court for leniency in the sentence, arguing that she was a young woman, had a very good educational record, and was the only child of her parents. But the court rejected these arguments and ordered death sentence and a fine of Rs 2 lakh.

Full story of Sharon’s murder

  • 14 October 2022: Greeshma called Sharon to her home in Ramavarmanchirai in Kanyakumari district of Tamil Nadu.
  • He gave Sharon an Ayurvedic drink which was laced with poison.
  • This poison gradually affected Sharon’s body, and she died on October 25.
  • The post-mortem and investigation confirmed that Sharon’s death was due to poisoning.

entanglement of family and relationships

Sharon and Grishma loved each other, but Grishma’s parents were against this relationship. He had fixed Grishma’s marriage with someone else. Grishma tried to end the relationship with Sharon, but when she refused, he took this fatal step.

Role of Nirmal Kumar and Sindhu

Grishma’s uncle Nirmalkumar supported him in this crime and helped in destroying the evidence. The court sentenced him to three years’ imprisonment. However, Grishma’s mother Sindhu was acquitted due to lack of evidence.

defense argument

The defense sought leniency in the sentence from the court, arguing that Grishma was young, had a good academic record, and had already shown signs of improvement. He also said that he should be given a chance to improve. But the court rejected these arguments and gave strict punishment.

Basis for declaring the case as rarest of the rare

The court described it as a “rarest of the rare” case and said that Grishma had killed Sharon in a planned manner. Not only was there betrayal, but she also involved her own family in murdering her lover. Because of this he was given severe punishment.

message to society

This case gives a message to the society that how deadly betrayal can be in love and relationships. Garishma’s crime not only snatches away Sharon’s life, but shows how personal selfishness and family pressure ruined an innocent life.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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