The stock market saw a weak start on Thursday. Both Sensex and Nifty opened in the red. As of 9.30 am, the Sensex opened 99.82 points down at 76,305. While Nifty opened with a fall of 44.20 points at 23,111 points. Importantly, investors will react to the third quarter results of HDFC Bank and Hindustan Unilever (HUL) today and keep an eye on the quarterly results of other companies due on Thursday.
stock market decline
It is noteworthy that on Wednesday, the benchmark stock market indices Sensex and Nifty closed at higher levels. HDFC Bank’s third quarter data boosted private bank stocks. The market also got support from the rise in IT shares.
Market condition on 22 January
Indian benchmark indices Sensex and Nifty closed with gains on January 22 after huge fluctuations. The market recovered from seven-month low today due to strength in technology stocks. However, broader market indices lagged far behind. Midcap and smallcap indices fell more than 1 percent. At the end of the trading session, the Sensex closed at 76,404, up 566 points (0.75 percent). While Nifty increased by 130 points and closed at 23,155.