The stock market started in the red on Thursday. Even at 3:30 in the afternoon the market situation appeared chaotic. Both Sensex and Nifty closed in the red. This is the fourth day when the market has closed in the red. Sensex fell 528 points to close at 77,620 points and Nifty fell 162.45 points to close at 23,526 points.


There was pressure on the market on the weekly closing day of Nifty and Sensex-Nifty closed with a decline. Selling was seen in midcap, smallcap stocks, while realty, energy, oil-gas indices closed with losses. Selling was seen in metal, infra and IT shares. However, buying was seen in FMCG shares, lifting the index by about 1%.

Top Gainer-Top Loser

Shriram Finance, ONGC, Tata Steel, Coal India, BPC were the top falling stocks in Nifty. While HUL, Britannia Industries, Nestle India, M&M, Bajaj Auto were the top gainers of Nifty.


Except FMCG, all sector indices closed in the red. Capital Goods, IT, Metal, Oil & Gas, PSU Bank, Power, Realty indices saw a decline of 1-2 per cent.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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