The stock market was weak on Friday, the last day of the business week. The Sensex and Nifty closed in red mark at 3.30 pm. The Sensex closed at 76,215 below 304.89 points. While the Nifty fell 114.75 points to close at 23,090 points. The market saw ups and downs on the last day of the week and the Sensex-Nifty closed down.

Stock market decline

Midcap, smallcap shares saw selling, while realty, oil-gas and pharma shares declined. On the other hand, energy, auto, PSE index closed down with a decline. At the end of the trading, the Sensex fell 329.92 points or 0.43 per cent to close at 76,190.46. The Nifty fell 113.15 points or 0.49 per cent to close at 23,092.20.

The market saw ups and downs on the last day of the week and the Sensex-Nifty closed down. Midcap, smallcap shares saw selling, while realty, oil-gas and pharma shares declined. On the other hand, energy, auto, PSE index closed with a decline. At the end of the trading, the Sensex fell 329.92 points or 0.43 per cent to close at 76,190.46. At the same time, the Nifty fell 113.15 points, or 0.49 per cent to close at 23,092.20.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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