Shani Pradosh Vrat has special significance in Hindu religion, which falls on Saturday. The first Shani Pradosh Vrat of the year 2025 will be observed on 11 January. This fast is dedicated to the worship of Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati as well as Shanidev. It is believed that worshiping during Shani Pradosh Vrat brings happiness and prosperity in life and provides relief from problems. On this day, Vrat Katha is recited along with Shiva puja.
Shani Pradosh fast story:
Gargacharya said, “O Mahamate, you have described all the Pradosh fasts for the happiness of Shiva Shankar. Now we wish to hear the method of Shani Pradosh.” Then Suta ji replied, “O sage! Certainly you have immense love for Shiva and Parvati. I tell you the method of Shani Trayodashi fast, please listen carefully.”
The wife of a poor Brahmin, saddened by her poverty, went to Rishi Shandilya and said, “O great sage! I am extremely sad. Both my sons are under your protection. The name of my eldest son is Dharma, who is a royal son, and the name of the younger son is Shuchivrata. Therefore we are poor. Only you can save us.” The sage told him the solution to observe Shiva Pradosh fast.
All three took a pledge to fast Pradosh. Shuchivrat, who went to the pond to take bath, found a golden urn on the way. After coming home, he told his mother that he had found this money on the way. Mother said, “This money has been received by the grace of Lord Shiva.” Both the sons decided to divide the money half. The king’s son meditated on Shiva and Parvati and said, “This wealth is not for me. When Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati give me, I will take it.”
One day, both the brothers decided to visit the region and saw many Gandharva girls playing. Shuchivrat said, “Brother, we should not go further now.” But the king’s son went alone among the women. A beautiful girl became fascinated after seeing him and asked, “How did you come here? I am the daughter of a Gandharva named Bidravik.”
The prince accepted defeat and said that he was poor. The girl said, “I will do as I have said.” Rajputra returns home and tells everything to Shuchivrat. On the third day, the king’s son went to the same forest with Shuchivrata. The Gandharva king came with the girl and said that Shankar ji has said that the royal son named Dharmagupta, who is poor at this time, is my greatest devotee.
The Gandharva king duly married the girl. The king’s son was very happy after getting special wealth and a beautiful daughter. By the grace of God, he defeated his enemies and started enjoying the pleasures of the kingdom.
Thus, the message of Shani Pradosh Vrat Katha is that poverty can be eradicated by the grace of Lord Shiva.