Bhopal/Gwalior (Madhya Pradesh): ‘Shakti Didi’, a women empowerment initiative was launched in MP’s Gwalior on Thursday. The scheme provides women with opportunities to work as fuel delivery workers at petrol pumps. The programme was inaugurated at the Suvidha Petrol Pump by District Collector Ruchika Chauhan.

The initiative, driven by Chief Minister Dr. Mohan Yadav and implemented under the guidance of District Collector Ruchika Chauhan, aims to make women self-reliant. The inauguration was attended by Police Superintendent Dharmveer Singh Yadav and Bharat Petrol Pump Manager.

According to information, under this initiative, women will receive training, salaries, insurance, and provident fund benefits. Police patrols and monitoring will ensure their safety. The scheme began at five petrol pumps in Gwalior and is expected to provide new job opportunities for women while empowering them to become financially independent. The petrol pumps are Suvidha Petrol Pump at Eidgah Kampoo, Sanskriti Petrol Pump at New Collectorate, VM Petrol Pump at Padav ROB, Darshan Fuel Station at Pinto Park and Sai Ram Petrol Pump in Chetakpuri.

One of the beneficiaries expressed her gratitude for the opportunity. She shared her struggles, revealing that her husband had abandoned her, leaving her to care for her three-year-old child alone. With her new job, she stated, she can now provide better care for her child and secure their future.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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