A heart-wrenching incident has come to light in Shahjahanpur district of Uttar Pradesh. friday night40 year old man’s own neighbor and wife Allegedly beaten to death with bricks. As soon as the information was received, the police reached the spot, took possession of the body and sent it for post-mortem. Police have registered FIR in this case custody of both the accused Have taken in.
incident details
this incident Khurd Kala village under Khutar police station area. Is of. According to the police, the victim Yunus was murdered by his neighbor. Manos and wife Shamim Bano Did it together. It is being told that both of them together hit Yunus on the head several times with bricks, due to which he died on the spot.
Information about the incident and police action
Superintendent of Police (SP) Rajesh S Told that on Friday night Yunus and his wife Shamim Bano were sleeping in the house. Then Manos reached there and with the connivance of Shamim Bano, attacked Yunus’s head with bricks. The attack was so fatal that Yunus died on the spot.
As soon as information about the incident was received, the police immediately reached the spot. Based on the complaint of Yunus’ brother, the police Shamim Bano and Manos A case has been registered against him and he has been taken into custody.
Statement of Superintendent of Police
SP Rajesh S said:
“On the complaint of Yunus’ brother, a case of murder has been registered against the accused. Both the accused are being detained and interrogated. The body has been sent for post-mortem. “Further action will be taken after the post-mortem report.”
Investigation into the case continues
The police is conducting a thorough investigation to get to the bottom of the incident. Efforts are being made to find out what was the main reason behind the murder and why both the accused committed this crime.
Concern over increasing crime in society
Such incidents reflect the seriousness of increasing disputes and violence in the society. Police say that strict action will be taken in such cases so that the criminals can be punished severely and such incidents can be prevented in future.