Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor, known for his aggressive characters in recent films has time and again won the audiences hearts with his off-screen humility and his lifestyle. In a recent podcast with Faye Dsouza, Shahid opened up about his difficult times on set, about how a heartbreak led to him trying on sets.

“That only happened to me when I went through heartbreak. And, sometimes it happens when you are making movies. So, I have had that. It was really bad. My makeup guy was like, ‘I just finished your makeup! Can you just not?,” Shahid shared. He can also be seen talking about how Indian men find it difficult to be vulnerable and shares his bit on importance of expressing as a man.

Shahid on finding vulnerability attractive

When asked to share about the difficulties of being a man, Shahid emphasised on how Indian men have been taught to be the provider of the house, to protect what’s theirs. This responsibility does not allow men to rest and feel or share feelings throughout their lifetime. “Indian men especially, have been kind of told from a very young age that you have to be the provider, that you have to protect and be the man of the family. Its there in men, when you are always worried that whatever I love, I must protect it,” he said.

He mentioned how this to change. “Sometimes, you just want to relax and be like, ‘I don’t have to keep worrying about everything and everybody all the time and I can just maybe be vulnerable and let somebody else protect me,” Shahid said. “When you are an actor, you also understand that vulnerability is extremely attractive. Aggression cannot attract people the way vulnerability does. Its only human to be vulnerable, so as a man you should be okay with it,” he added.

How being expressive can strengthen relationships?

As Shahid rightly mentioned, Indian men do not see being expressive as an escape from their responsibilities. But this trait surely puts a barrier between them and their loved ones. Being expressive helps build trust in relationships. When you openly share your feelings and thoughts, it shows honesty and vulnerability. This transparency allows others to feel closer to you because they know you’re being genuine.

Clear communication of emotions can also reduce misunderstandings. When people aren’t sure how you feel, it’s easy for assumptions to cause confusion or conflict. Expressing your feelings removes this guesswork, helping to create smoother and more harmonious relationships.

Being expressive is a way to show you care. Sharing words of love, appreciation, or concern can make others feel valued and cherished. Small gestures like expressing gratitude or saying, “I’m proud of you,” can go a long way in making someone feel special and strengthening your bond with them.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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