Missing 7 Helicopters found in usa: There has been talk of theft of seven helicopters from Afghanistan for a long time, but now this mystery has been exposed. The seven helicopters that Afghanistan claim to steal are all in the US.

How did the helicopter reach America?

When the US called its soldiers back from Afghanistan in 2021, they ran away leaving millions of dollars of weapons and military equipment. Meanwhile, the Taliban controlled Afghanistan. In this situation, seven pilots of the Afghan Air Force escaped with seven UH-60A Black Hawk helicopters and flew to Uzbekistan. These pilots did not want this helicopter to fall into the hands of the Taliban. Meanwhile, Uzbekistan handed over all these seven helicopters to America. However, the Taliban is angry with Uzbekistan’s move.


UH-60A helicopters are demanded worldwide.

, America’s UH-60A helicopter is very accurate and effective. Its demand is around the world.

, This helicopter manufactured by Sikorski Aircraft has been part of the US Air Force since 1970.

, The US has used it extensively in wars against Gulf countries including Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran.

, These helicopters were also used very effectively during the Somali Civil War.

, This helicopter can lift 4100 kg and fly at a speed of 100 mph.

, This helicopter can carry 20 soldiers with 14 fully equipped soldiers or 20 soldiers in addition to 4 crew members.

, The helicopter can fly at a speed of 185 mph even when it is empty

, This helicopter worth $ 20.4 million is still in use by 34 countries.

The US left more than three lakh weapons and left Afghanistan.

When the US suddenly decided to leave Afghanistan, they left behind millions of dollars of weapons, vehicles and equipment. The US left about 73 helicopters there. The US military had neutralized several weapons so that the Taliban could not use them. The US left 40,000 JMVs and 12,000 HMV vehicles there. This can prove to be important for the army of any country. Thus, in total, the US left about three lakh small and big weapons there. The material also included a 1.5 million round tablet shell and ammunition worth $ 48 million. It is also said that the Taliban has preserved many of them for war.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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