As to breathe Necessary for life, just like that be happy is also essential for a healthy and better life. But today’s busy life, increasing stress and burden of responsibilities reduce our happiness. For this reason many people just formal laughter Laugh and cannot feel real happiness.

Actually, there is a special hormone in our body that makes us feel happy. serotonin They say. When this hormone is present in sufficient quantity in our body, then we feel happy and positive. This hormone not only improves mood, but also intestines also healthy Keeps. Let us know what is serotonin hormone, how it works and how it can be increased naturally.

What is the function of serotonin hormone?

  1. Regulates mood:

    Serotonin hormone controls mood. due to lack of anxiety, depression And there may be sadness.

  2. Improves Sleep Cycle:

    this hormone melatonin which controls our sleep patterns.

  3. Helpful in digestion:

    serotonin our digestive system 90% is made in. due to lack of Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Gas And Acidity Such problems occur.

  4. Increases learning ability:

    This hormone is our ability to learn and remember Also affects.

  5. Sexual Health:

    due to serotonin deficiency sex drive May decrease, which increases sexual problems.

  6. Blood clotting and bone health:

    this hormone blood clotting Improves and strengthens bones.

How to increase serotonin hormone naturally?

1. Spend time in the morning sunshine

body from sunlight Vitamin D Get, which helps in increasing serotonin levels.

  • Every day in the morning sunshine 15-20 minutes Spend.
  • It will not only increase serotonin but will also improve your mood.

2. Take a healthy diet

To increase serotonin levels protein rich food Eat:

  • pulses, nuts, seeds And eggs Consume.
  • tryptophan foods rich in banana, oats And dark chocolate Eat.
  • These foods help in increasing the level of serotonin in the body.

3. Exercise daily

Regular physical activity increases serotonin levels.

  • fresh morning air Walk or exercise for 20-30 minutes.
  • in the body through exercise endorphin are also released, which improve the mood.

4. Do meditation

through meditation reduce stress This happens and the level of serotonin increases.

  • 15-20 minutes daily Do meditation.
  • It makes the mind calm and the body positive.

5. Take a deep breath

by taking deep breaths parasympathetic nervous system Activates, which relaxes the body.

  • 5-10 minutes Practice deep breathing.
  • It helps in increasing serotonin.

6. Laugh openly

Laughing increases the level of serotonin and endorphin hormones in the body.

  • spend time with friends and family and laugh uncontrollably,
  • Watch comedy shows or funny videos.

7. Listen to favorite songs

Music improves our mood and increases serotonin levels.

  • Whenever the mood is bad, your favorite songs Listen.
  • with song dance and singthis will make you feel happy.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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