After the recent attack on Saif Ali Khan, serious questions have been raised regarding his safety. Despite such tight security, how a thief reached his house has become a topic of discussion. After this incident, Kareena Kapoor has decided to install CCTV cameras at the entrance and balcony of her house. It can be seen in a video that cameras are being installed in the balcony of the floor where Kareena and Saif live. Along with this, strict security protocols have also been put in place to enter the building and reach Saif’s house.

On January 16, 2025, around 3:30 am, Saif Ali Khan was in his home when he was attacked with a knife. After this attack, he was immediately admitted to Lilavati Hospital in Mumbai. According to reports, Saif had six deep wounds on his body, two of which required surgery. There was a 10 cm long knife mark on his neck, and a deep wound near the spinal cord on his back. Doctors removed a 2.5 to 3 inch long knife-like fragment from his spinal cord, which was only 2 millimeters away from his spinal cord, which had increased the risk of paralysis.

Five days after this incident, Saif Ali Khan is now returning to his home. Let us tell you that in this case of attack on Saif, the police has arrested the main accused Mohammad Shariful. He is a resident of Bangladesh and has been a wrestling player there. The accused had entered Saif’s house with the intention of stealing and is currently in police custody.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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