BSEB DElEd 2025: The second dummy registration card for BSEB DElEd 2025 has been produced by the Bihar School Examination Board. Those who have registered for the test can view and obtain their registration card on, the BSEB’s official website.
Important date:
Correction window open: March 21, 2025
Correction window close: March 27, 2025
Editable field:
Within the time frame specified by the principal of the relevant institution, any errors in the fake registration card will be fixed online on the aforementioned website.
Only specific mistakes can be rectified, including:
Student’s name
Mother’s or father’s name
Date of birth
Abbreviated spellings (e.g., A, E, K, M, etc.)
Non- changeable:
Complete changes to the student’s name, mother’s name, or father’s name are not allowed under any circumstances.
Steps to make the correction:
Step 1: Visit, the BSEB’s official website
Step 2: On the front page, select the second dummy registration link for BSEB DElEd 2025.
Step 3: A new page with login information will open.
Step 4: Verify the registration card and make any necessary adjustments.
Step 5: Download the confirmation page by clicking the submit button.
Step 6: Save a physical copy in case you need it later.
Exam pattern:
The Bihar DElEd exam consists of 120 questions, each worth one mark.
The total duration of the exam is 150 minutes (2.5 hours).
The exam covers the following subjects:
– General Hindi or Urdu
– Mathematics
– Science
– Social Studies
– General English
– Logical and Analytical Reasoning
Candidates should visit the BSEB’s official website for additional relevant information.