Fatehpur (Uttar Pradesh), January 18: In a shocking incident, a government school principal died in a road accident in Uttar Pradesh’s Fatehpur. The horrific accident was caught on the CCTV camera installed in the area and the video of the incident is doing rounds on social media. It can be seen in the video that the woman was hit by a speeding truck while she was crossing the road in broad daylight.

The incident, which has gone viral on social media, happened in the Sohan Peda area near Kalyanpur police station. Sangeeta Trivedi, a government-run primary school principal at Mayaramkhera Primary School in Malwan Development Block, was crossing the road when she was hit by a pickup truck. The collision was so severe that she died on the spot.

Accident Caught On CCTV

The video shows that the woman is trying to cross the road, suddenly she notices a speeding truck coming towards her. In a bid to save herself, she moved few steps in the reverse direction. The truck which was cruising at a high speed hit the woman head on and ran over her. The impact was so severe that the woman died on the spot. The truck driver fled the spot after hitting the woman.

Panic Among The Locals

The accident caused panic among the people nearby. Witnesses immediately contacted the police. Upon arriving at the scene, the police sent the dead body of the principal for post-mortem and initaited an investigation into the matter. The locals are now demanding better traffic rules enforcement and speed breakers in the area. They said accidents are common here due to speeding vehicles.

Police Action

The police have registered a case and are reviewing the CCTV footage from the area to identify the pickup truck involved. They have assured the public that the person responsible will be caught soon and strict action will be taken against the accused. The local administration must take appropriate and urgent steps to prevent such incidents in the future.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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