SBI Recruitment 2025: The State of India will shortly release the results of the SBI Clerk Junior Associates prelims tests on SBI’s official websites, and This recruitment aims to fill 13,735 Junior Associate posts.

SBI Recruitment 2025: Important dates

1. Prelims exam dates: February 22, 27, 28 and March 1, 2025

2. Mains exam dates: April 2025

3. Admit card: 10 days before exams

4. Result date: yet to be announced

SBI Recruitment 2025: Exam pattern

In the preliminary exams, applicants were given a one-hour test worth 100 points that assessed their English Language, Numerical Ability, and Reasoning Ability. A negative marking system was implemented, with 0.25 marks lost for each erroneous response.

The questions in the SBI Clerk Mains will be objective in nature, and all parts, except the General English test, will be bilingual (English and Hindi). In the Objective tests, incorrect answers will result in a 1/4th-mark deduction. The exam will last two hours and forty minutes, with segment pacing for each section.

SBI Recruitment 2025: Selection process

The final selection will be done in two stages: Preliminary and Mains stage. Candidates who will be qualified in prelims will sit in the mains examination.

SBI Recruitment 2025: Mains examination timings

The SBI clerk mains examination will be conducted on a single day or two days (depending on the number of aspirants) The exam can be held in two shifts; the first-morning shift will begin from 9 am to 11:40 am and reporting time will be 8 am whereas the second-afternoon shift will be held at 2:30 pm to 5:10 pm then the reporting time is 1:30 pm.

SBI Recruitment 2025: Mains Mock test

Qualified candidates who are going to sit in the mains examination can take a mock test to analyse their preparation.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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