Filmmaker Rakesh Roshan was attacked in 2000 by two unidentified assailants near his office on Tilak Road in Santacruz, Mumbai, a week after the success of his son Hrithik Roshan’s debut film Kaho Naa Pyaar Hai. He was shot in the left arm and grazed on the chest before the assailants fled the scene. In the new Netflix series The Roshans, Hrithik opened about his father’s shooting incident.

Recalling the difficult phase in their family’s lives, Hrithik said, “I still can’t remember me feeling afraid for my dad. He was Superman. Even when he was in the hospital, I remember seeing a glimpse of blood-red sheets, and it made me scared for a second. But just the next moment, my dad was conversing, laughing, and it seemed like he could handle this.”

“It was only month after that, my mom narrated what had happened the previous night, that my dad had woken up screaming, screaming for help, thinking that he’d been shot at. That was when I realised the vulnerability behind that Superman. He had such a strong facade, he just never let his soft side out,” he said.

Further, Hrithik’s mother, Pinkie got emotional and said that it was a difficult time and they were finding it hard to manage between two diffeent emotions at the same time.

Hrithik’s sister Sunaina, added, “Oh my God, Hrithik became a star overnight, and dad was shot at. Both those things were unbelievable.” Rakesh’s brother, music composer Rajesh Roshan, said, “He’s a very strong man. He was shot and bleeding, but he went to the police station and told them to catch the people who’d done it.”

Hrithik back then, revealed that he was at the gym when his father got shot.

On the work front, Hrithik has Ayan Mukerji’s War 2, starring Kiara Advani and Jr NTR in the lead.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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