In Vedic astrology, a special relationship has been described between the zodiac signs and the planets. If there is a change in the zodiac sign or constellation by the nine planets, then it has auspicious and inauspicious effects on the 12 zodiac signs. Saturn and Mercury are coming together in the year 2025. This combination will give auspicious results for 3 zodiac signs. Mercury, the planet responsible for speech, and Saturn, the ruling planet, will be located together in Aquarius, leading to a conjunction between the two planets. Let us know which are those 3 zodiac signs?
Conjunction with Saturn due to transit of Mercury
According to the planetary prince Drik Panchang, Mercury will change its zodiac sign on Tuesday, February 11, 2025, at 12:58 pm. During this period, Saturn will be in Aquarius. Saturn will already be present in this zodiac sign, due to which Saturn will form a conjunction with Mercury.
The conjunction of Saturn and Mercury will be beneficial for Taurus people. Employed people will get a new offer. You will take new steps for progress. The economic situation will be better than before. There will be opportunities for increase in wealth. There will be increase in business. You will get success in career. The conjunction of Mercury and Saturn will make you lucky.
The conjunction of Mercury and Saturn will be beneficial for Capricorn people. People with these zodiac signs will be especially blessed by both the planets. You will get success in court matters. The economic situation will improve compared to before. Your interest in social activities will increase. You will remain stress free.
Mercury-Saturn conjunction will be beneficial for Aquarius people. Both the planets will remain in this zodiac sign which will bring success in work. All work will be fruitful for Aquarius people. Financial condition may improve with increase in wealth. You will get success in whatever you decide to do. Unnecessary thoughts can cause stress, but these will help you move forward in life and achieve success.