Chandigarh: For the last few months, the administration, especially the Chandigarh Police, has been in the news for the shows being performed by singers in Chandigarh. Recently, Diljit Dosanjh said on stage that there is no structure for doing shows in India, that is, there are no official guidelines. This year, Chandigarh administration also got the DGP of Chandigarh Police from Satinder Sartaj’s team after their show. And he wrote letters to other high level officials about the misconduct by the police. Similarly, after Karan Aujle’s show, the Chandigarh administration has imposed a fine of more than Rs 1 crore on him as to why he gave advertisements before getting the permit and permission.
It is noteworthy here that every department keeps taking applications from singers and blackmailing them to pass the show. It has been revealed from reliable sources that 5000 passes were demanded from Diljit Dosanjh. Even after getting passes from the police, people come to the show and are forcibly taken away. The toughest part of this job comes in Satinder Sartaj’s show. Their shows have number of seats and the shows are well organized where families can sit comfortably and enjoy.
Many times, people who enter in this way by the police sit on people’s seats and it is not so easy to make them vacate the seats. After talking to Satinder Sartaj’s team, it was revealed that he will never do a Chandigarh show and similar views have also been expressed by Karan Aujla and Diljit Dusanjh.
It is worth mentioning here that mayors of cities abroad request Punjabi singers to perform in their cities as this show brings taxes to the city or state, jobs for workers there and businesses in the city like hotels, restaurants or shopping in hotels etc. More boosts available. For example, Chandigarh is expected to pay more than Rs 2 crore GST from Diljit Dusanjh’s show alone. In terms of Book My Show, Satinder Sartaj collected Rs 3 crore 80 lakh in GST last year. has been filled
Due to this behaviour, Diljit Dusanjh has criticized the administration from the stage. The officials who started issuing the permits made the women feel as if they had done a great disservice to the singer by granting them the permits. Satinder Sartaj’s team said that almost all the DCs or SSPs in Punjab cooperate a lot but sometimes the cooperation of the staff deployed on the spot is not available.
Satinder Sartaj has appealed to the Punjab government, especially Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann, to stop such behaviour. To facilitate this, a ‘single window’ arrangement should be made where only one application is made by the artist and the government itself takes all the permits. Remember Satinder Sartaaj is the singer from Punjab who brought the model of ticketed shows in Punjab due to which families especially women can go and enjoy them otherwise Punjabi singing was heard only in weddings, fairs or kabaddi where the atmosphere was not serious .