Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh has made serious allegations against the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), saying that the BJP has applied to remove his wife’s name from the voter list from the New Delhi Assembly seat. BJP’s Delhi State President Virendra Sachdeva has given his reaction regarding this matter. Sachdeva rejected these allegations and called it a personal feud between Sanjay Singh’s family.
Virendra Sachdeva’s response
BJP state president Virendra Sachdeva hit back at Sanjay Singh’s allegations and said, “Why would BJP cut off Bhabhi ji’s vote? Sanjay Singh is a respected MP, and Bhabhi ji is respected. But if Bhabhi ji’s vote is being cut off, then just find out about the two women who have given this application. Their names are Madhu and Suresh Devi.”
Sachdeva stressed that the matter could be an internal dispute of Sanjay Singh’s family. He said, “Now look inside yourself and see who these women are. If it turns out that they have no relation with you, then please tell me.”
Reference to the digital age
Virendra Sachdeva also said that nowadays in the digital age it is easy to check everything. He suggested that Sanjay Singh should investigate who actually applied for deletion of votes. Sachdeva said sarcastically, “Ask Bhabhi ji once who these Madhu and Suresh Devi are.”
Sanjay Singh’s counterattack
Sanjay Singh held a press conference in this matter and accused BJP of influencing the election process. He said, “BJP people, do not do election scam like this. I had recently raised the issue of withholding the votes of Purvanchali brothers and sisters in the Rajya Sabha, and now an attempt is being made to take away the votes of my wife. “This has been done not just once, but twice.”
Addressing BJP President JP Nadda, Sanjay Singh said, “Nadda sir, do not do such a thing. This is against democracy.” Calling it a part of BJP’s strategy, he termed it unfortunate.
Allegations and counter-allegations between BJP and AAP
This incident is a new chapter in the ongoing bitter political tussle between AAP and BJP. While Sanjay Singh is calling it a conspiracy by BJP, BJP is presenting it as a mutual family dispute.