BJP had to organize the swearing-in ceremony without Eknath Shinde: Shiv Sena (UBT) leader Sanjay Raut on Friday claimed that Eknath Shinde was to take oath as the Deputy CM of Maharashtra. Because the top leaders of BJP had planned the swearing-in ceremony of the new government that if they remained ‘adamant’ then the swearing-in ceremony would take place without them. Speaking to reporters in New Delhi, Raut said that despite the overwhelming majority, the state government still does not have a full cabinet. The facts show that all is not well in the alliance. He said that despite the huge mandate in Maharashtra, it took 15 days for BJP to form the government.

Raut claimed that Eknath Shinde had to take oath as Deputy Chief Minister. BJP decided to organize the swearing-in ceremony without Eknath Shinde. If he was adamant on putting pressure on the BJP, top party leaders had informed (the state leadership) about holding the swearing-in ceremony without him.

Earlier Shinde was not ready to take oath as Deputy CM: Raut

BJP leader Devendra Fadnavis took oath as the Chief Minister of the state for the third time in a grand ceremony held at Azad Maidan in Mumbai on Thursday evening. Former Chief Ministers Eknath Shinde and Ajit Pawar took oath as Deputy Chief Ministers. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union Ministers and Chief Ministers of NDA ruled states participated in the program. Shinde was initially reluctant to serve as deputy CM, but took up the post after insistence from BJP and his party MLAs. He remained silent on whether he would be a part of the new government or not. Hours before the swearing-in ceremony, a Shiv Sena MLA confirmed that Shinde would take oath as Deputy CM.


‘There was no happiness visible on the face during the oath taking’

Raut alleged that the BJP was indulging in “vendetta politics” in the state by using central agencies. Making an indirect attack on Shinde, Raut said that happiness was not visible on some faces during the swearing-in ceremony. He said that even when Uddhav Thackeray took oath as the Chief Minister in 2019, these faces were sad.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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