Mumbai: In a shocking news that has come to light on Wednesday, January 1 2025, Sanjay Raut was assaulted by Shiv Sena UBT workers at Matoshree, Uddhav Thackeray’s residence in Mumbai’s Bandra. The Sena UBT MP was not only attacked but also locked in a room by enraged party workers, as per reports. It is also alleged that the altercation occurred in front of Uddhav Thackeray during a recent party meeting.

What Exactly Happened At Matoshree?

The whole drama unfolded during a meeting recently held by the Sena UBT chief to assess his party’s position in Mumbai, where civic polls are likely to be held in a few months. According to a report by NMF News, Raut was involved in a heated verbal spat with party workers which later turned into a nightmare for him.

During the meeting, some UBT workers alleged that the party has suffered a lot in recent times due to Raut’s remarks and his stance. The Sena UBT MP got irked over the allegations and ignited a heated exchange. The verbal spat then turned into a fight as enraged Sena UBT workers charged against Raut and assaulted him. He was also reportedly locked in a room for several hours.

Social media is flooded with numerous reports claiming that Sanjay Raut was badly thrashed by his own party workers and later held captive in a room. However, neither Sanjay Raut nor Uddhav Thackeray or any other senior leader from the party has come forward and commented on the reports.

Sena UBT Likely To Contest BMC Polls Alone

Meanwhile, Shiv Sena UBT spokesperson Anand Dubey recently hinted at the possibility of the party contesting the upcoming Mumbai local body elections independently, without forming an alliance with the Congress and Sharad Pawar-led NCP.

Speaking to ANI on December 30, Dubey revealed that Shiv Sainiks from across Maharashtra are urging the party leadership to go solo in the elections. He emphasized the advantages of such a move, stating, “Contesting alone boosts the enthusiasm of our workers and allows more candidates to participate in the electoral process.”

While Dubey highlighted the growing demand from the grassroots level for an independent contest, he clarified that the ultimate decision rests with the party high command.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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