Pushpa 2 The Rule Screening Stampede Case: Allu Arjun met the child injured in the stampede during the screening of Pushpa 2 at Sandhya Theater on Tuesday. A woman died and her son was seriously injured in a stampede during the screening of Allu Arjun’s film ‘Pushpa 2’. Allu Arjun was continuously criticized for not meeting the child victim after the tragedy. However, after a month, Allu Arjun came to meet this child. It was kept secret. Trade expert Manobala Vijaybalan has shared pictures and videos of Allu Arjun’s hospital visit on his X handle. In a video, Allu Arjun can be seen reaching the hospital in a black car amid tight security.

Met the child with police permission

Allu Arjun asked the police for permission to go to the hospital. Ramgopalpet police station in-charge sent a notice to the actor asking him to reconsider going to the hospital on Sunday. Police said that many people are interested in this case. Therefore, you should also ensure that your visit to the hospital does not cause any problem in the functioning of the hospital and other patients.

Allu Arjun’s hospital visit kept secret

Regarding the visit, the police said that if Allu Arjun still wants to go to the hospital, then he should coordinate with the hospital management and the police. Their entry and exit from the hospital should be planned in such a way that there is no inconvenience to the patients and the public. It was the police who advised them to keep the meeting a secret so that people do not gather at the hospital and disturb the peaceful atmosphere.


Let us tell you that Allu Arjun’s name is accused number 11 in the hit and run case. On January 3, a Hyderabad court granted regular bail to Allu Arjun. However, as per the direction of the court, he will have to appear before the investigating officer every Sunday between 10:00 am to 1:00 pm for 2 months or till the charge sheet is filed.

The court also directed Allu Arjun not to change his residential address without prior notice. Apart from this, there is also a ban on going abroad without permission. These conditions will remain in force until a decision is taken in this matter.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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