Sandhya Naidu Shocking Revelation:In the year 2018, Telugu actress Sri Reddy had shared her experience regarding casting couch in Tollywood, which created an uproar in the industry. She even performed topless in the middle of the road to draw attention to the issue. After her bold step, many more actresses came forward and revealed what happened to them. One of these names was an experienced actress Sandhya Naiduwho shared his painful story.

‘Amma’ during the day, obscene demands at night

Sandhya Naidu revealed during a press meet that she was constantly given the roles of aunty and mother in the industry. But after the shooting, he had to face extremely embarrassing situations.

He said:

“He used to call me ‘Amma’ on the set during the day, but at night he used to call me to sleep with him. Once someone asked me what I was wearing and whether it was transparent.”

Dirty terms in exchange for roles

Sandhya told that she had to face strange and rude conditions to get roles in films.

  • They were asked, “What will we get in return for giving us the role?”
  • Even after getting the role, he was forced to chat on WhatsApp.
  • Such experiences deeply hurt his self-esteem.

Forced to change clothes in the open

Actress other than Sandhya Naidu Sunita Reddy also revealed the misbehavior that took place on the set.

  • He told that on the shooting set he was forced to change his clothes in the open.
  • Sunita said,

    “We were not allowed to use caravans. We had to change clothes in the open. The people present there treated us like insects.”

  • Bad language was used by the managers present on the set and the actresses were instructed not to move around.

Need for change in Tollywood

The revelations of actresses like Sri Reddy, Sandhya Naidu, and Sunita Reddy have exposed the dark truth of Tollywood. These incidents show that not only talent, but also dignity and respect is often overlooked in the industry.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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