Congress candidate from New Delhi seat Sandeep Dixit has launched a big attack on Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. He questioned Kejriwal’s educational qualification and made serious allegations against him. Sandeep Dixit said that “I don’t understand what Arvind Kejriwal has studied in IIT?” How can he do such absurd things even by being an engineer? “
Siege on the issue of Yamuna pollution
During the Delhi election campaign, Sandeep Dixit also surrounded the Aam Aadmi Party and Kejriwal government on the issue of alleged poisonous elements in the Yamuna river. He said that “Kejriwal’s engineering knowledge seems suspicious. He has studied from IIT, yet he is talking such ridiculous things that even a school student will not say. ”
“Did Kejriwal pass and pass?”
Sandeep Dixit, son of former Chief Minister Sheila Dixit, taunted that “Is it not that Arvind Kejriwal had passed the exam by cheating?” He said that if Kejriwal suspects, he should read his engineering books again.
Challenge of open debate
Sandeep Dixit openly challenged Kejriwal’s face-to-face debate at 3 pm today. He said that this debate will give the public a chance to understand who is telling the truth – the Congress or the Aam Aadmi Party.
“BJP and AAP are distributing cash”
The Congress leader also targeted the BJP and the Aam Aadmi Party and said that “Both parties are distributing cash to get votes. I do not understand whether they are doing politics or running the market? “
Now it has to be seen whether Arvind Kejriwal accepts the challenge of Sandeep Dixit’s open debate or not.