Yogi Adityanath on controlling violence: Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has given a big statement on Sambhal violence in the inaugural program of ’43rd Ramayana Mela’ in Ayodhya Dham. Yogi said that the incident of Sambhal and Bangladesh is similar. The DNA of the people involved in both the incidents is the same.

Sambhal-Bangladesh incident is also similar

Chief Minister Yogi said, ‘Remember what Babar’s men did 500 years ago in Ayodhya Kumbh. The same happened in Sambhal and the same is happening in Bangladesh. The nature and DNA of all three are the same. If anyone believes that this is happening in Bangladesh then the same elements are sitting here to hand it over to you. They are fully prepared to break social unity. Some of the people talking about this issue are those who have property abroad. If there is any danger here, they will run away and leave others to die here.

Today’s socialists have become familyists

After inaugurating the four-day Ramayana fair at Ram Katha Park located on the banks of Saryu, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath in his address mentioned the great socialist thinker Dr. Remembered Ram Manohar Lohia. He said that Lohia did not go to the temple but understood and accepted the cultural and national importance of Shri Ram, Krishna and Shiva. Contrary to this sentiment of Dr. Lohia, today’s socialists have become familyists. If they do not get the protection of criminals then they start suffering like a fish without water. People doing politics in the name of Lohia talk about Lohia, but do not believe in even a single ideal of Lohia.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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