Telugu actor Allu Arjun returned home after his release from Chanchalguda Jail on Saturday morning and reunited with his family at his Jubilee Hills residence in Hyderabad after spending a night in jail. He was arrested on Friday in connection with the stampede that happened at his film Pushpa 2: The Rule’s premiere at Sandhya Theatre, which resulted in the death of a woman named Revathi.
Several videos showed Allu Arjun hugging his teary-eyed wife, Sneha Reddy, after returning home and giving her a tight hug. In response, Samantha Ruth Prabhu reacted to the viral video and became emotional. Re-sharing the video on her Instagram story, she wrote, “I am not crying, okay!” along with face-holding-back-tears emojis.
Check it out:
Photo Via Instagram
Meanwhile, after Allu Arjun’s return, he held a press conference outside his residence, where he clarified that he had no ‘direct’ connection to the stampede case.
He said, “We are extremely sorry for the family. I will personally be there to help them in whatever way possible. I was inside the theatre watching a movie with my family and the accident happened outside. It has no direct connection with me. It was purely accidental and unintentional.
After Arjun’s return, several celebrities rushed to his residence in Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad, to offer their support including actor Vijay Deverakonda, Naga Chaitanya, Rana Dagubatti, producer Dil Raju, and director Koratala Siva, among others.
Allu Arjun was granted bail on Friday; however, he had to spend the night in prison despite the Telangana High Court granting him bail, as the authorities had not received a copy of the bail order until late Friday night.
Allu Arjun was granted bail on a personal bond of Rs 50,000.