Bollywood superstar Salman Khan seems to have ramped up the security at his Mumbai residence on Tuesday as locals spotted new bulletproof glasses guarding the balcony of his Galaxy Apartments. This comes amid the constant threats to his life and even to his family members from the Lawrence Bishnoi gang.
Videos from outside Galaxy Apartments in Bandra have now gone viral in which the balcony, from where Salman usually waves at his fans, can now be seen covered completely with bulletproof glass.
This is the same balcony from where Salman greets his fans every year on his birthday, Eid, and other festivals.
Meanwhile, Salman has been surrounded by tight security ever since the assassination of veteran politician and his close friend, Baba Siddique, in Mumbai in October 2024. The police chargesheet in the case revealed that the Wanted actor was the primary target of the hitmen, however, their plan was foiled due to the heavy security around him. They thus decided to kill Siddique and by doing it, send a warning to Salman.
Post Siddique’s murder, his son Zeeshan Siddique told media portals that Salman was devastated and was having sleepless nights. The actor has been asked by the Mumbai Police and his security team to not step out in public alone.
Not just that, but the shoot of his show Bigg Boss 18 in Mumbai is being done with over 60 guards around the actor. Even the sets of his film, Sikander, has been heavily guarded by the actor’s Y+ security detail, personal bodyguards as well as police personnel.
For those unversed, Salman and the Bishnoi gang’s feud dates back to 1998 when, during the shoot of Hum Saath Saath Hain, the actor reportedly went on a hunting trip and hunted a blackbuck, an animal which is considered sacred by the Bishnoi community. Gangster Lawrence Bishnoi, who is now in jail, publically declared that it was the goal of his life to either make Salman apologise for the act or kill him.