Bollywood’s domineering actor Salman Khan earned not as an actor but as a dancer. Today superstar Salman Khan charges crores of rupees for a film. Apart from this, Bhaijaan also has a stake in the profit of some films. But he did not achieve all this from the beginning. The actor revealed during a show that for the first time he got the fruits of his hard work as a background dancer.
Salman’s first film did not work and the second film was very low. At first Salman Khan did not make money from acting, but at the age of 14, his hard work as a background dancer paid off. During a show, when Salman Khan was asked about his first salary or fee, he told the story of a background dancer. The actor also talked about his first blockbuster film Maine Pyaar Kiani Fee.
How did Salman Khan make first earning?
In this show, the anchor asked Salman Khan that you played the role of a background dancer at the age of 14, is this true? Salman said, ‘Yes sir.’ On this, the anchor again asked, ‘How much money did you get?’ On this, Salman Khan further said, ‘Sir, at that time I got 75 rupees and for the first time, he got hard work. There was a demonstration inside a hotel where I was dancing back and forth and I remember, I was paid Rs 75 for this.
After this, the anchor asked Salman how much was the fee of his first film? Salman Khan replied, ‘Don’t ask about the earnings of the first film, Sir, I will tell you what I did. There was talk of giving me 31 thousand rupees in that film, but seeing my hard work, he increased it from Rs 71 to 75 thousand rupees.
Which was Salman Khan’s first film?
Salman Khan started his acting career in 1988 with Farooq Sheikh and Rekha starrer ‘Biwi Ho To Aisi’. He had a supporting role in this, so that he did not get much recognition. But the film Maine Pyar Kiya (1989) came to be a blockbuster. Suraj Barjatya also started his career as a director from this film and this was also the first film of Bhagyashree. This was also the first film of Salman Khan as lead actor which broke the records of success.
Film Maine Pyaar Kiya (1989)
The budget of the film ‘Maine Pyaar Kiya’ is 20 lakh rupees. While the film grossed 4 crores. A collection of 27.50 crores and Rs. Earned 23 crores. The film is included in the list of historical films of Hindi cinema which have proved to be a blockbuster ever. Apart from Salman Khan and Bhagyashree, the film featured actors like Rajiv Verma, Mohnish Bahl, Reema Lagoo, Alok Nath and Laxmikant Burde. The film was made under the banner of Rajshri Productions and Sangeet was given by Ram Laxman, whose songs are still heard.