Salim Khan, who is the father of famous Bollywood screenwriter and actor Salman Khan, always talks openly about his professional and personal life. When he got married for the second time, there was speculation about the disintegration of his family. But his family overcame all challenges and continued to live together. Recently, Salim Khan opened up about both his wives, Salma and Helen, and their relationship with each other.

Salim’s statement on his relationship with both wives

In an interview given to DNA, Salim Khan said,
“I am lucky that I have two wives and both live together peacefully. “Both my wives are very beautiful, and their beauty is getting better with age.”

How to tell the first wife about the second marriage?

Salim Khan shared in an interview with Zoom that he decided to tell his first wife Salma herself about his relationship with Helen.

  • Salim said:
    “I did not want Salma to know about our relationship through any media. So I told them myself.”
  • He admitted that the news was a shock for Salma:
    “When I told him, he didn’t shake my hand and say you did great. Obviously, there were problems, but they did not last long. After that, everyone accepted it.”

Gave information to children about his second marriage

Salim Khan spoke openly about his second marriage even in front of his children.

  • He said:
    “I told my children that there is another person in my life and I am married to him. I don’t expect you to love her like your mother, but I do want you to respect her.”

Arbaaz Khan’s statement

Salim’s son Arbaaz Khan also spoke about the condition of his family.

  • Arbaaz said:
    “My mother never instigated us against our father. He had his own problems, but he did not tell us that your father is like this or that.”

Salim Khan’s two marriages and his family

  • Salim Khan married his first wife Salma in 1960. They have four children:
    • salman khan
    • Arbaaz Khan
    • sohail khan
    • alvira khan
  • Second Marriage: Salim Khan married actress Helen in 1980 and she adopted Arpita Khan.

Story of Salim Khan: An Inspiration

Salim Khan’s life is an example of how difficult relationships and situations can be handled with wisdom and honesty. The togetherness of their family testifies that respect and communication can strengthen any relationship.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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