Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan was stabbed by an unidentified man in the wee hours of Thursday during a robbery bid at his residence in Bandra, Mumbai. The actor, who is currently admitted to the Lilavati Hospital, has been moved to the ICU post surgery, and the doctors said that he suffered a serious injury to his spine.
Dr Nitin Dange of Lilavati Hospital briefed the media after Saif’s successful surgery and stated, “He has suffered major injury in the spinal cord due to a lodged knife in the spine. Surgery was performed to remove the knife and repair the leaking spinal fluid.”
He further informed, “Two other deep wounds on his left hand and one on the neck was repaired by plastic surgery.”
The doctor stated that Saif has been shifted to the ICU and his health will be constantly monitored. “He is recovering well and is out of danger,” he said.
Saif is expected to be discharged from the hospital in the next two days.
The attack on Saif took place at Satguru Sharan building in Bandra West, where he and Bebo reside with their sons. Reports stated that the robber first confronted Saif’s maid and when the actor intervened to defuse the situation, the intruder became aggressive, resulting in a scuffle.
A massive manhunt has been launched by the Mumbai Police to nab the attacker. Reportedly, 10 teams have been formed to investigate the case, and the cops are are also questioning the couple’s staff members.
While the cops have now identified the attacker, he is yet to be arrested. Reportedly, he climbed 11 floors using a ladder to enter Saif and Kareena’s house.