Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan’s statement was recorded by the Bandra police on Thursday in connection with the housebreaking and stabbing case. The police recorded his statement at his residence, ‘Satguru Sharan’.

A police officer stated, “We recorded the actor’s statement on Thursday, and the investigation is now in its final stage.” The Bandra police produced the accused, Shariful Islam, 30, in the Metropolitan Magistrate court, Bandra, on Friday after completing his five-day remand. 

In the Saif Ali stabbing case, the Bandra police investigated a salon owner whose hair-cutting shop the accused reportedly visited. The police also questioned an autorickshaw driver Bhajanlal Singh.

A police officer confirmed that they found a Bangladeshi voter card and a certificate on the accused’s mobile phone. The accused, Shariful Islam, requested the police to deport him to Bangladesh, stating that his main purpose was to steal money, not to harm the actor or anyone. During the investigation, he revealed that he lost his job on December 15 and faced financial problems, which forced him to commit theft.

Furthermore, he stated that if he had successfully robbed the actor’s house on the same day, he would have left India and travelled to Bangladesh using the same route he entered India.

After the incident, the accused boarded a Churchgate train at Bandra railway station, got down at Dadar, and decided to change his appearance after seeing the news at Worli. He visited a salon shop in Koliwada, Worli, and cut his hair.

The police recorded Saloon  owner’s statement late Wednesday night. Besides, the police recorded autorickshaw driver Bhajanlal Singh’s statement, who dropped the actor at Lilavati Hospital after the attack. During the crime recreation at Bandra talao, the police recovered a scarf used to hide his face during the incident and a bag.

The bag contained various tools, including a screwdriver, hammer, hacksaw blade, and a broken knife piece, which the accused had discarded following the incident. The fingerprints collected from the duct pipe at Saif Ali Khan’s Bandra home, along with those found on the door handle of Jeh’s room and a bathroom door, have matched those of the accused who was arrested in connection with the attack on the actor.

A police officer said that concrete evidence suggests the accused is Bangladeshi. The police found the accused’s driving license and other evidence, including a Bangladeshi Voter ID and a certificate.

CCTV footage from the 6th floor of ‘Satguru Sharan’ building revealed the accused’s entry. The actor did not install CCTV cameras outside their 10th, 11th, and 12th-floor flats or the terrace. In the whole building in staircase area only on 6th floor staicase CCTV installed. 

The investigation is in its final stage. The police examined around 700 CCTV footages and preserved several CCTV footages. During the investigation, the police visited multiple places, including Bandra, Khar, Bandra railway station, Dadar, outside Dadar railway station, Worli Koliwada, Thane, and other areas. The police recorded several individuals’ statements at every spot.

The accused scaled a four-feet compound wall backside of the building to reach inside the Satguru Sharan building, using a pipe and ladder to climb up to 10 feet to access the duct. The accused first went to the duct area on the first floor, checking all floors for a potential housebreak. He used the staircase till the 10th floor and then the duct to reach the 11th floor. He entered through the bathroom door, adjacent to Jeh’s room.

The maids’ shouting made him attack Saif. There was no lock system in the kids’ room, allowing the accused to flee without assistance. According to sources, Kareena had just arrived home when the incident occurred.

The actor’s family and servants thought it was a robbery gang and assumed there were four to five robbers. Hence, they all moved to the upper floor of the house.

However, the accused was alone and fled via the same route. After the incident, to keep the kids safe, Saif took Taimur along with him, and Kareena took Jehangir to her sister Karishma’s house.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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