Actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked this morning. Mumbai Police has started investigation into the attack on Saif Ali Khan. The Crime Branch team has detained three employees working at Saif’s house. Security guards are also being interrogated. Mobile phones of many employees have been confiscated.


Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan was attacked today at around 2-3 am. An unknown person attacked with a knife. Now he has been admitted to Lilavati Hospital for treatment. Mumbai Police has started investigation into the attack on Saif Ali Khan. The Crime Branch team has detained three employees working at Saif’s house. Security guards are also being interrogated. Mobile phones of many employees have been confiscated.

Why did you argue with the maid?

Questions are being raised as to why that person entered Saif’s house. Why did she argue with her maid? There is no mention of burglaries or theft in the Mumbai Police statement. Police said that she had a fight with her maid. The person is absconding since the incident. The police is busy catching him. Help of CCTV is being taken.

What did Saif’s team say?

Regarding the incident, Saif Ali Khan’s team said that a robbery attempt has been made at the actor’s house. At present his surgery is going on in the hospital.

The police have not yet received any information about who the attacker was, where he came from and what was the motive behind the attack. Was it a thief or someone else? Did he only intend to steal? Did someone target him? The crime branch team is busy finding answers to these questions.

Questions raised on security

Theft incident took place at Saif Ali Khan’s house at 3 am on Thursday. During the robbery, a thief attacked Saif Ali Khan with a knife. Saif was hit six times, two of which were deep. He is undergoing treatment in the hospital. Saif Ali Khan is currently undergoing surgery









Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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