Saif Ali Khan: A stranger entered the house of Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor late on Thursday night and attacked Saif Ali Khan. Saif Ali Khan was stabbed 6 times with a knife. Due to which Saif Ali Khan was seriously injured. A piece of the knife used by the attacker entered Saif Ali Khan’s spine. The photo of the piece that was removed from Saif Ali’s body after the operation is also going viral.
A piece of the knife with which Saif Ali Khan was attacked was removed from Saif Ali Khan’s body after surgery. Saif Ali Khan reached the hospital with the piece late on Thursday night. When Saif Ali Khan was attacked, the sharp part of the knife broke and got stuck in Saif Ali’s spine. Due to which Saif Ali Khan became drenched in blood and in this condition he reached the hospital.
Doctors shared this picture after the surgery and said that if the fragment had penetrated 2 mm, Saif Ali’s life could have been in danger. Due to which Saif could have become paralyzed. However, Saif Ali Khan showed bravery and reached the hospital on time and after the surgery, he is now safe. Apart from the spinal cord, Saif Ali Khan was also stabbed on the neck and hand.
During the investigation of this incident, Maiden, who worked at the actor’s house, was also called by the police for her statement. Who has made some revelations before the police. He said that the person who entered the house wants one crore rupees. The maid who worked in the house told that she suddenly saw someone’s shadow near the bathroom. For the first time he felt that Kareena would be there. But then when she got suspicious, she went there to investigate and the man caught her and asked her to keep quiet. Meanwhile, another maid and Saif Ali Khan came there. As soon as he saw Saif Ali Khan, the man entered the house and attacked him.