Nitish Rane on Saif Ali Khan case: Actor Saif Ali Khan returned home after being discharged from the hospital on January 21. In which now Maharashtra’s Fadnavis government minister Nitish Rane has raised questions on the attack on Saif Ali Khan. He expressed surprise over Saif Ali Khan’s discharge from the hospital and asked, ‘Did the attack really happen or was it just a drama?’ Not only this, Nitish Rane also alleged that Supriya Sule and Jitendra Awad never cared for Hindu actors, they only cared for Khan actors.
BJP minister Nitish Rane’s question
According to media reports, Nitish Rane said in the rally, ‘Look what Bangladeshis are doing in Mumbai. They entered Saif Ali Khan’s house. Earlier they used to stand at the crossroads, now they have started entering houses. Maybe they had come to take him (Saif). This is good, the garbage should be cleared. I saw that when he came out of the hospital I doubted whether he had really had a stroke or was he faking it? He was dancing while walking. Whenever a Khan like Shahrukh Khan or Saif Ali Khan gets injured everyone starts talking about it. When a Hindu actor like Sushant Singh Rajput is harassed, no one comes forward to say anything.
Supriya Sule and Jitendra Awad also targeted
Attacking Supriya Sule and Jitendra Awad, Nitish Rane said, ‘Jitendra Awad and Baramati’s sister Supriya Sule have not come forward to say anything. He is only worried about Shahrukh Khan’s son Saif Ali Khan and Nawab Malik. Have you ever seen them harassing any Hindu artiste? You people should pay attention to all these things.