Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan Mumbai Police has achieved great success in the attack case. main accused of attack Vijay Das on Sunday morning in Thane labor camp area Was arrested from. The accused worked as housekeeping staff in a bar. Police said that the accused used several names to avoid arrest, such as Bijoy Das And Mohammad Ilyas,

A team of more than 100 officers caught the accused

Mumbai Police launched a massive operation to nab the accused. in this operation more than 10 teams And more than 100 police officers Were included.

  • Will be brought to Bandra for questioning:

    Vijay Das will now be brought to Bandra, where the police will interrogate him.

  • Further action:

    The accused will be produced in the city court, and the police will seek his custody so that the case can be investigated in depth.

When and how was Saif Ali Khan attacked?

this attack actor saif ali khan In the apartment located in Bandra West 2:30 am Happened.

  • Injured Saif:

    Saif suffered injuries at six places including his neck and shoulder in the attack.

  • Treatment and surgery:

    Saif immediately Lilavati Hospital He was taken to his spine after a five-hour surgery. 2.5 inch long knife piece Removed.

  • present situation:

    At present, Saif Ali Khan is out of danger and is recovering rapidly.

CCTV footage and search for suspect

Mumbai Police searches Saif’s apartment to identify attacker CCTV footage of descending the stairs Used. These photographs were made public in Mumbai and surrounding areas, which helped in reaching the accused.

First suspect caught in Chhattisgarh

Mumbai Police in connection with the attack forts of chhattisgarh A suspect was detained.

  • Who was this suspect?

    The accused has been identified as 31 year old Akash Kailash Kannaujiya Occurred as.

  • How did the arrest happen?

    Railway Protection Force (RPF) at Durg railway station had received information that the suspect was traveling by Jansewari Express train. After this, the police formed two teams and took the suspect into custody as soon as the train reached the station.

  • What was the result?

    After interrogation it became clear that Akash had no connection with this case.

One person detained in Madhya Pradesh also

on saturday Madhya Pradesh One person was also detained, but after investigation the authorities clarified that this arrest was related to some other case and This has nothing to do with the attack on Saif Ali Khan Is.

Mumbai Police statement and further investigation

Mumbai Police has confirmed that Vijay Das is the main accused and his arrest is a major breakthrough in the case. The police will now try to find out whether the attack was a result of personal rivalry or there was some other motive behind it.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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