An intruder attacked Saif Ali Khan during a suspected burglary at his Mumbai home and is now undergoing surgery at Lilavati Hospital. The incident, which occurred around 2:30 AM while Khan was asleep with family, shocked fans and the entertainment industry.

An official statement from Khan’s team confirmed the attack, requesting privacy during this time. While some fans have expressed concern, others have made insensitive remarks online as ‘unsaif’ memes are gaining traction online.

Fans Praying For Saif’s Speedy Recovery

While ‘unsaif’ Ali Khan is gaining traction, few fans have reacted in disbelief and sent prayers for him and family for Saif Ali Khan’s speedy recovery. Some fans have also called out the insensitive comments that are going about on social media platforms while others have raised concerns on this being third celebrity attack in Mumbai.

Saif Ali Khan Stabbed

Reports suggest that the unidentified intruder attempted to steal from the residence, leading to a confrontation where Khan was attacked with a sharp object, resulting in six injuries, two of which were deep. Deputy Commissioner of Police, Dixit Gedam, confirmed the incident, stating that an investigation is underway. The Bandra police are currently reviewing CCTV footage, as the intruder remains at large.

Dr. Niraj Uttamani, COO of Lilavati Hospital, noted that Khan sustained serious injuries, with one deep wound near his spine. The situation has prompted varied public reactions, as many rally for Khan’s recovery while others have been criticized for their lack of sensitivity. The actor’s team emphasized the need for patience as this remains a matter for the police to address.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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