Almost two days after the attack on bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, one question remains, how did the assailant gain access to the actor’s security-protected residence? Several theories have emerged, but the police are yet to solve the mystery ever more than 24 hours after the incident. Behind the actor’s residence stands a small two-storey building, and it is strongly believed that the intruder entered through this building’s compound wall. However, the police have not reached a conclusion yet.

The actor resides in  Satguru Sharan building, located in front of the Grand Residency Hotel, at the junction of 24th and 25th Road, near St. Theresa High School, Bandra West. He owns both the 10th  to 12th floors and the  terrace.

The building itself has 12 floors and a basement. The lobby is protected by biometric security. The building’s compound is constructed with stones and iron designs, but it  can be easily climbed over. Behind Satguru Sharan is a small two-story building named Petfina, which has a very small gate that anyone could easily enter. Inside the Petfina premises, on the left side after entering the gate towards the actor’s building, there is another small wall that is also easy to climb. Hence, it is strongly believed that the intruder, who appears to have done thorough recce,  accessed the actor’s residence through this route. However, the police have not confirmed this theory and are investigating all possible angles.

The security guards from neighboring buildings stated that the Satguru Sharan society had not hired a professional security agency. Instead, individual residents arrange for their own private guards. Although the guards wear uniforms displaying “Satguru Sharan,” there is no mention of any specific security agency. On the night of the incident, two security guards were reportedly on duty, but neither of them noticed the intruder, which is surprising. It is also unclear whether basement access is protected by biometric security. Following the incident, the old security guards have been replaced with new ones.

Kamlesh Mishra, who operates a security agency named Indian Protection Force, whose employees work at a neighboring building, remarked, “The actor’s building had  not hired a professional security agency. They rely on private security guards hired at an individual level. At Satguru Sharan, there are around two or three guards. From what I know, there were two security guards on duty at the actor’s residence that night.”

According to sources, the actor does not employ a personal security agency. His staff handles various tasks, and during events, the organisers provide security. It is believed that the accused must have visited the premises or the actor’s residence multiple times to become familiar with the layout and locate an unobtrusive way to reach the flat.

Ramesh Bharati, a stationery shopkeeper living near the actor’s residence, stated that he had delivered items to the actor’s old house several times and once to the Satguru Sharan flat, but he never entered the flat. He said, “There is security in place, and it’s not easy to enter. If someone jumped over the wall, there must be CCTV footage from inside the premises, and the actor’s house system should have footage showing who came near the door or flat. It doesn’t seem like a theft; it might be something else. Every day at 6 PM, Saif and Kareena go for a walk in a nearby garden.”

Bandra, known as the Queen of Suburbs, has long been a prime location for Bollywood stars. However, recent incidents like this one have sent shockwaves among the celebrity community.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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