Saif Ali Khan is now back home from the hospital. The actor was discharged on Tuesday from the hospital, where he was admitted after the attack at his house on Wednesday night last week. Saif has also undergone two surgeries. On Tuesday, police informed that the attacker attacked Saif with a knife to free himself from his strong grip.

reason for attack

Police have identified the attacker as Shariful Islam Shahzada Mohammad Rohilla Amin Fakir. According to the police, “The accused entered Saif’s flat from the bathroom building with the intention of theft. When Saif’s staff saw him, there was an argument between the two. When Saif came there, he caught hold of him, but to free himself, the attacker stabbed Saif several times with a knife.”

hiding in the garden

Police said that when Saif got injured and his grip became weak, the attacker fled from there. After this, Saif closed the main gate thinking that the attacker was inside the house, but he went out through the same way. The attacker then hid in the garden for 2 hours.

Police had earlier reported that the attacker’s fingerprints were found at the crime scene, including on the bathroom window from which he came in and out. That attacker was living in Mumbai under a different name for the last 5 months. The Mumbai court on Sunday sent him to police custody for 5 days.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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