Saif Ali Khan has been making to the headlines from the past few days because of the attack that happened on him at his house in Bandra, Mumbai. Saif was attacked by a burglar and he was rushed to the hospital in an auto rickshaw. The auto driver that took the actor to the hospital was Bhajan Singh Rana.

Rana had given multiple interviews about how he took the Race actor to the hospital. Recently, a few pictures of Saif made it to the social media in which we can see him posing with Rana. The pictures are from the hospital, so it looks like the actor met the auto driver during his discharge.

Saif was discharged from the hospital yesterday, and when he reached his house, he was seen walking properly and also waved at the fans and the media. However, there were bandages near his neck and hands.

The accused in the Saif Ali Khan attack case has been arrested, and he is a 30-year-old man from Bangladesh named Shariful Islam Shehzad Mohammad Rohilla Amin Fakir. Reportedly, he accused wanted to steal from some rich and take the money to Bangladesh to help his ailing mother.

Meanwhile, a few days ago, an institution had rewarded Bhajan Singh Rana with Rs. 11,000. The auto driver had claimed that he had not taken any money from the actor for taking him to the hospital.

During an interview, Rana had stated that when he took Saif to the hospital he didn’t know that there was such a famous actor in his rickshaw. When they reached hospital he saw Saif’s face and recognized him. He had stated that Saif was accompanied by his son and a care taker.

Well, Saif is fine now, and let’s hope that he is back on the sets soon!

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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