Bollywood star Saif Ali Khan was rushed to the hospital in the wee hours of Thursday after he was injured in a robbery bid at his residence located in Mumbai’s Bandra suburb. The actor has reportedly sustained six injuries, two of which are major, and he is presently undergoing treatment at Lilavati Hospital.
According to reports, Saif was attacked by an unidentified man around 2:30 am in the intervening night of January 15 and January 16. He was stabbed multiple times by the intruder during their scuffle, and was immediately rushed to the Lilavati Hospital.
As per a statement issued by the hospital, Saif was brought to the hospital at 3:30 am with six injuries and the surgery began at 5:30 am. “Two of them are deeper injuries. One of the injuries is closer to his spine. We are operating on him,” Dr Niraj Uttamani, COO of Lilavati Hospital said.
The actor is being operated upon by team of doctors led by neurosurgeon Dr Nitin Dange, cosmetic surgeon Dr Leena Jain, and anaesthetiologist Dr Nisha Gandhi.
Wife Kareena Kapoor Khan and other members of the actor’s family are currently at the hospital by the actor’s side. In an official statement, the family said, “There was an attempted burglary at Mr Saif Ali Khan’s residence. He is currently in hospital undergoing a surgery. We request the media and fans to be patient. It is a police matter We will keep you updated on the situation.”
As per reports, it all began when an unidentified man entered Saif and Kareena’s residence, located in the Satguru Sharan building in Bandra, but he was stopped by the actor’s staff. Saif intervened when an argument took place between the intruder and the staff and that is when he was stabbed multiple times.
Kareena was reportedly not at home when the incident happened.