Actor Saif Ali Khan returned to his home after being discharged from the hospital on Tuesday. This news was a relief for his fans. Saif was admitted to Lilavati Hospital on the night of January 15 after suffering serious injuries. He was injured with a knife by an assailant. But in this difficult time, an auto driver, Bhajan Singh Rana, helped him a lot by taking him to the hospital on time.
Thanks to Saif for helping the auto driver
After being discharged from the hospital, Saif Ali Khan met Bhajan Singh Rana, who took him to Lilavati Hospital in emergency. Saif not only hugged the driver and thanked him, but also gave him a reward of ₹ 50,000 for his help.
Bhajan Singh Rana’s experience
As per ETimes report, Bhajan Singh Rana, while talking about the incident, said:
“Saif sir appreciated my help and thanked me for taking me to the hospital on time.”
When asked if Saif had given him any financial help, Rana politely replied that it was not appropriate for him to share this information. He also clarified that he had no demands and whatever Saif gave was enough and satisfactory for him.
Five days treatment in hospital
After the incident, Saif Ali Khan had to be admitted to the hospital for five days. His treatment under the supervision of doctors was successful and he was allowed to return home on Tuesday. After being discharged from the hospital, Saif immediately decided to meet the driver who had helped him during his difficult times.
Saif’s humanity won hearts
This step of Saif Ali Khan not only shows his humility but also shows that he does not forget to appreciate the people who help him. This emotional gesture of his has become a topic of discussion among his fans and on social media.