Mohammad Shariful Islam Shahzad, accused of attacking Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan, is in police remand. He is being continuously interrogated. Police are claiming that the case of assault on Saif has been solved. The entire theory from the accused entering Saif’s house to the attack on him suggests that the challenge remains to connect all the links of the incident. The police have interrogated the accused and interrogated them thoroughly.
Police want to know how the incident happened?
Police want to know how the incident happened? What happened on the night of 16 January? How did the accused run away from Saif’s house after committing the crime? Mumbai Police took the accused to Saif Ali Khan’s house and recreated the crime scene. After the arrest of the accused, it was revealed that he was a Bangladeshi infiltrator. Illegal immigration is becoming a big problem in our country. This is dangerous for the internal security of the country.
The name of the person who attacked Saif Ali Khan was earlier said to be Vijay Das.
The person who attacked Saif Ali Khan was earlier said to be Vijay Das, but it was a fake name. His real name is Mohammad Shariful Islam Shahzad. He is a Bangladeshi infiltrator, who was working as a sweeper in Mumbai for the last 6 months. His attacker did not have any Indian identity card. He took a SIM card in Kolkata in the name of Jahangir Shaikh. He was using it.
It is very difficult for the police of any state to trace such a criminal.
It is very difficult for the police of any state to trace such a criminal. Imagine, if Shahzad had fled to Bangladesh, it would have been almost impossible to catch him. Therefore the attack on Saif Ali Khan is not a small incident. If an intruder can enter Saif’s house and attack, then our house and your house can also be attacked. Illegal Bangladeshi immigration is a big threat to our country.
Infiltrators easily cross the border and come into India
These illegal infiltrators easily cross the border and come into India. Then they get fake identity cards made and start living under a fake name. They can be anyone, they can be your maid, your driver or your gardener. The person who attacked Saif changed his name from Shehzad to Vijay Das. Who knows how many illegal Bangladeshis might have received identity cards made in the name of Hindus. Must have settled in cities like Delhi-Mumbai.
Not only Shahzad, hundreds of Bangladeshi infiltrators like him are coming through these routes. Have been settled in India for a long time. Recently, some Bangladeshi infiltrators caught from Delhi told that a special gang is involved in this work. This gang also prepares fake identity cards for infiltrators. Most of the infiltrators claim to be residents of West Bengal and Assam. Fake identity cards have also been found with them.