recent actor saif ali khan The attack on Satguru Sharan, his Bandra residence, has raised many serious questions regarding the security arrangements. This incident has not only revealed negligence in the security arrangements of the building, but has also revealed that the security guards were not properly trained.

Central Association of Private Security Industry (CAPSI) Senior officials of the Maharashtra chapter of the SA revealed that the guards deployed at Satguru Sharan were not provided by a licensed security agency, but by a housekeeping company. This is a serious violation of safety standards and increases the danger in emergency situations.

Housekeeping firm did not have operational license

times of India A report by The Indian Express states that the firm that arranged for the security guards had Private Security Agency Regulation Act (PSARA) Did not have the required license under.

Major security flaws:

  1. The guards were not given necessary training.

    The guards were not provided with the necessary skills and emergency equipment to deal with any emergency.

  2. Visitor register was not maintained.

    Records of people coming and going in Satguru Sharan building were not being maintained. This is a big mistake for the security system.

  3. Violation of standards under PSARA.

    The firm did not follow PSARA rules, which are mandatory for private security agencies.

CAPSI officers points out that such negligence not only puts residents at risk, but also weakens response to emergencies.

warning of strict action

Joint Commissioner of Police (JCP) Satyanarayan Chaudhary Taking such incidents seriously, it has warned that strict action will be taken against agencies that do not follow the rules under PSARA.

Chaudhary also said that:

  • Any kind of compromise with security standards will not be acceptable.
  • One for all private security agencies Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Will be implemented.
  • before the appointment of guards character verification Will be made mandatory.

JCP Satyanarayan Chaudhary It has also sought cooperation from building management committees to improve the quality of security.

Neighbor Karishma Tanna also expressed concern

Neighbor and well-known actress of actor Saif Ali Khan Karishma Tanna expressed concern over the lack of security measures in their area after this incident.

Karishma Tanna by times of India Said in conversation with:
“The atmosphere outside right now is very strange… there are police and media everywhere. “This incident is a warning to Bandra and other standalone buildings.”

He said there is an urgent need to increase security in standalone housing societies. Sharing his experiences he said:

  • Watchmen need proper training.
  • It is very important to strengthen the safety protocols in the society.
  • If an unknown person enters the building, it may be difficult for residents to protect themselves.

Karishma also said, “I have been requesting my housing society to increase security for over a year. But no concrete steps have been taken yet.”

Suggestions to improve security

This incident has highlighted the need to improve security protocols. The suggestions from experts and officials are as follows:

  1. Use the services of licensed agencies only.

    Building management committees should appoint guards only from agencies registered and licensed under PSARA.

  2. Train security guards.

    It is necessary to provide training to the guards like emergency handling, first-aid, and visitor management.

  3. Make visitor register and CCTV mandatory.

    Keeping records of visitors in the building and installing CCTV cameras is essential to strengthen security.

  4. Increase awareness of society residents.

    Residents should be advised to follow safety protocols and not allow strangers to enter the building.

  5. Maintain coordination with the police.

    A contact number and SOP should be kept ready for quick access to the police in case of any emergency.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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