Milena Alexandra, wife of Bollywood actor and fitness icon Sahil Khan, has converted to Islam. Sahil himself gave this news on his social media account. This post of his has created a lot of discussion on social media, where some people appreciated this decision while some made it the center of criticism.

Sahil’s post: Allahu Akbar

Sahil Khan posted on his Instagram and wrote,
“I am very proud to announce that my wife Milena Alexandra has decided to convert to Islam. Allahu Akbar for this beautiful journey! May Allah forgive us and accept our prayers.”

Along with this post, Sahil also shared a picture of Milena, in which she was seen wearing hijab.

Big difference in the age of Sahil and Milena

Milena Alexandra is only 22 years old. There is a difference of 26 years in his age from Sahil. Both of them got married in the year 2024, when Milena was only 21 years old. This is Sahil Khan’s second marriage. Earlier, Sahil had married actress Nigaar Khan in the year 2003. However, this marriage lasted only for two years and they got divorced in 2005.

Reactions on Social Media: Love or Conversion?

After this post of Sahil, many users raised questions on social media.

  • One user commented,
    “If she truly loves you, why is it necessary for her to convert to Islam? Couldn’t you love him and accept his religion?”
  • Another wrote,
    “Why is it mandatory to change religion after marriage? What does love have to do with religion?”
  • Whereas the third one said,
    “True love is when you accept someone with his identity and religion.”

Sahil’s film career

Sahil Khan started his career in Bollywood in the year 2001 with the film ‘Style’. This film was successful at the box office and Sahil gained recognition. After this he was also seen in the film ‘Excuse Me’. However, Sahil distanced himself from Bollywood as he was not satisfied with his work.

Sahil’s success in fitness industry

After leaving Bollywood, Sahil entered the fitness industry and established himself as a successful fitness icon. He owns a reputed gym and also has his own nutrition company ‘Divine Nutrition’, which is quite popular in the field of fitness.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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