Russia has carried out a major airstrike in Ukraine. Due to which Ukraine has plunged into darkness. Ukrainian officials said there were precautionary power cuts across the country due to the Russian attack. A red alert has been issued across Ukraine on Wednesday morning amid a major attack on Kiev. This airstrike warning has indicated to the public that Russia may still carry out more possible attacks, so beware of it. Russian war planes are still seen flying there. This is being seen as a sign of another possible attack on Ukraine.
News of the Russian strike comes a day after the Ukrainian military claimed it had carried out the largest air strike against Russia since the beginning of the war nearly three years ago. After this, Moscow’s Defense Ministry said on Tuesday that it would respond to Ukraine’s missile and drone attacks overnight. Russia has accused Kiev of using missiles supplied by the US and Britain before attacking Ukraine. The actions of the Kiev regime, supported by its Western curators, will not go unanswered, the Defense Ministry said in a statement.
Russia retaliated against Ukraine attack
Russia has claimed to take revenge for Ukraine’s attack, while Kiev has claimed to attack Moscow by penetrating 1100 kilometers inside. However, no specific information has been revealed yet on the extent of loss of life and property in Ukraine after the Russian attack.
red alert in ukraine
Red alert has been issued in Ukraine after the Russian attack. People are filled with panic due to the fear of more air strikes by Russia. The Ukrainian government’s warning map shows the country entirely in red. According to the map key, it means ‘air raid warning’. Sirens are ringing across the country. Neither Kiev nor Moscow have yet issued any official statement regarding the latest siren. On Tuesday the Ukrainian General Staff said it had managed to strike 1,100 kilometers inside Russia. It targeted oil storage refineries, chemical and ammunition plants in some areas. However, no other details have been revealed.