Mumbai: After an initial rise against the dollar, the Mumbai currency market today reached a new high with a fall against the rupee. The rupee rose from the bottom due to the rise in the stock market. This morning the dollar opened at Rs 84.72 and opened at Rs 84.71 and after touching a new high of Rs 84.76 the price fell to a low of Rs 84.64 and finally closed at Rs 84.69.
Selling was seen in some public sector banks due to the high level of the dollar. Meanwhile, the global index of dollar witnessed a decline from high levels against various major currencies in the world market today and its impact was also seen in Mumbai. market.
It is reported that the global dollar index today fell by 0.18 percent from 106.16 to 106.25. Today the price of British pound fell by 23 paise against the rupee in Mumbai market. The pound fell by 23 paise. The price of the pound fell to Rs 107.12 and finally to Rs 107.37.
However, the price of the European currency euro took a hit and it rose by four paise to Rs 89.17 and finally stood at Rs 89.10. Japan’s currency fell 0.41 percent against the rupee today, while China’s currency declined 0.20 percent against the rupee.
China’s offshore currency fell to a 12-month low against the dollar in the global market. There were indications in the world market that the Japanese currency was rising and to support the rupee, buy-sell swap deals were made in the futures market through the Reserve Bank. Dollar-denominated advance premiums declined.