The season of Holi festival has started. Now Holi is not only a festival of colors, but religious trips are also associated with it. Holi starts a week in Delhi and Hindi belt. Millions of devotees visit Vaishnav temples during the days of Dhuleti.
According to the All India merchant Confederation (CAIT), a turnover of Rs 60,000 crore is expected during Holi and Dhuleti festivals. This is expected to be 20 percent higher than the previous year. Holi is on the 13th and Dhuleti is on the 14th, but in many states people reach weeks in advance to celebrate Holi.
People from the economic and social sector say that the business of small shopkeepers, paint vendors, readymade clothing vendors, toy vendors, rice and dates vendors etc. has almost doubled.
Although gold and silver are not purchased during Holi and Dhuleti festivals, people buy things for their families, including clothes, decorative items, etc. Traders, especially traders associated with the MSME sector, also say that smaller traders always earn from Dhuleti. Ballopers will also be busy there, because people play an innocent game of throwing water in the balloon. It is being said that there will be a turnover of Rs 10,000 crore in Delhi alone. Holi-dhuleti is called a two-day festival, but it is celebrated for fifteen days in the villages of Rajasthan and Uttar Pradesh.
Holi programs, Holi dance, Holi Milan celebrations etc. cost more than retail shopping. A lot of money is spent on Holi celebrations, Holi parties etc. organized in the society areas. Places like banquet halls and farmhouses are already booked. Around 3,000 programs of Holi festival have been booked in Delhi. The celebration of Dhuleti is celebrated in the metros till noon and then parties are held in hotels.
Chemical colors are no longer used in small cities, so there is more demand for rose flowers etc. Kesuda water is used in a very large scale in the village. During Holi, people are advised not to buy things like Chinese toys and atomizer, but now that it is getting 80 percent discount on goods coming from China, companies making toy manufacturer and pitching etc. in villages start production six months in advance.
On the day of Holi, when the fire of Holi is lit in the evening, the demand for coconut, rice, worship material, dates etc. to burn increases. A new trend of wearing white clothes has started on Dhuleti, which has been started by Bollywood celebrities. Colors appear more shiny on white clothes. After this, people are seen playing Holi wearing white clothes in metro cities. T-shirts written by Happy Holi are also seen rapidly.
Our festive people celebrate all festivals with innovation. Dhuleti is a public holiday and is observed arbitrarily.