Television actress Rupali Ganguly, who has won immense love from the audience for her portrayal of Anupama in the hit serial Anupamaa, is reportedly set to quit the show after 4 years. A few months back, the show took a 15-year leap in its storyline, leading to the departure of the old cast, including Gaurav Khanna, Aurra Bhatnagar, Sudhanshu Pandey, Madalsa Sharma, Gaurav Sharma, Nidhi Shah and Kunwar Amar.

According to a report in Times Now, “Rupali Ganguly will be quitting Anupamaa in the next three months. The makers introduced a big 15-year leap to introduce new lead characters like Shivam Khajuria and Adrija Roy. Once the makers develop a strong love angle between Prem and Rahi, Anupama (Rupali Ganguly) will exit the show.”

The source added that Rupali’s exit could happen anytime in the next three months, as the makers are now focusing on a love triangle between Prem, Rahi, and Maahi. As a result, Rupali’s scenes have been reduced in the episodes.

This news comes days after Alisha Parveen was fired from Anupamaa due to unknown reasons and was replaced by Adrija Roy. In an interview with Times Now, Alisha expressed her disappointment and said that she wished to work more on the serial.

“Raaton raat nikal dena was not right. If you have taken a promise from me that I can’t leave the show for the next three years as per contract, you should have also promised me that you will not remove me from it. Raaton raat kisiko bhi show se nikal dena bahut galat baat hai. Aap mentally uske sapno ke saath khel rahe hain,” she added.

Anupamaa airs on Star Plus from Monday-Saturday. The show aired in 2020 and is a remake of Star Jalsha’s Bengali series Sreemoyee.

Rahul Dev

Cricket Jounralist at Newsdesk

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