TV superhit shows ‘Anupama’ In the last few months, many important characters have been out. Sudhanshu Pandey, Paras KalnawatAnd Anisha The exit of such artists shocked the fans of the show. Recently news came that the lead actress of the show Rupali Ganguly She may also say goodbye to the show soon. But Rupali has now reacted to these rumors and made it clear that she ‘Anupama’ Not leaving.
What did Rupali say?
Rupali Ganguly dismissed the rumors and said that ‘Anupama’ For him, it is not just a show, but an important part of his life. He thanked his show and producer in an emotional message. Rajan Shahi Expressed gratitude towards.
He said:
“Wow, I appreciate people’s thinking. Thank you all for talking about me and the show. Anupamaa is not just a show, it is an emotion, my second home. All my pet dogs are here, and our entire unit has become a family. Can one leave one’s family? God forbid I ever have to do that.”
Expressed gratitude towards Rajan Shahi
Rupali the producer of the show Rajan Shahi Praising said:
“I cannot repay in my entire life the recognition and platform that Rajan ji has given me. As long as he wants, I will remain a part of this show. If ever he says that I am no longer needed, I will try to stay in the show even by fighting with him.”
Rumors of 15 year leap and changes in the story
There were reports that the show will soon 15 year leap Will come and the storyline will change. There were speculations that Rupali might leave the show. This news spread among the fans Confusion and anxiety Had created.
But Rupali clarified that:
“This show has become a part of my existence. The news of its abandonment is completely false. ‘Anupama’ has made me what I am today. I will remain a part of this show till the end.”
Asked for fans’ support towards the show
Rupali told the fans ‘Anupama’ Appealed to keep watching. He said:
“To those who love me and this show, I want to say that please keep watching it. For me it is not just a show, but my soul. I will never leave it.”
What next?
Rupali said:
“The show’s producer Rajan ji’s thinking is ‘Anupama’. I pray that this journey continues for years. The best things are yet to come. I will work so hard that you can appreciate me. Please ignore the rumours.”